- In
Effectual Police & Medical Staff (Stock Characters)
- Use
of iconic horror objects - large knife and mask
- Unrealistic
& Predictable theme, violence without consequence e.g. never any parents
around when victims are killed
- Low-key
lighting Primal Fears
- Use
of steadicam (hand-held camera) makes stalking scenes more realistic
- Typical
Horror Setting Quiet Suburban Area
- Low
Budget: Only 1 known star (Jamie lee Curtis - ‘Laurie’
- A
low angle shot of killer makes him look more ominous. High angle shots of
victims make them look more vulnerable
shot from killer - audience are positioned as killer - less sympathy for
sympathy for victims.
- Monotonous
sound track & INCIDENTAL MUSIC
are cued as to when someone is going to die
- Sensible/Mature
‘Final Girl’ - fights back & survives
- ‘Male
Gaze’ - Female victims semi - undressed to favour male audiences fantasies
- Superhuman
killer, ‘Michael Myers’ - Get injured/shot several times but cannot die. Victims
have no chance of survival - unfair fight
- Sex/Drugs
Crazed Teenage girls (victims).Audience are cued as to who is next in line to
be killed
- Conservative
attitudes towards morality & Sexuality